Artists For a Cause - Connecting Artists and Charities
Artists for a Cause, Helping artists make a difference

Charity Registration

Click the button below to register online. It is $75 to register your charity annually. We will endeavor to link your organization with an artist; however, we cannot guarantee that there will be a good fit immediately.

If you prefer to provide registration payment by check, our address is:

2688B SE Willoughby Blvd
Stuart FL 34994

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Charity's Contact Name:*
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Postal Code:*
How did you hear about us?*
Charity's Mission Statement:
Type of Artist Requested:
Additional Comments:
Verification Image:
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Image Text:
Type the text in the "Verification Image".

We would like to thank our sponsors for their support. Please, click to learn more!

       Mr Chain       


Elisabeth Lahti| The Elmezzi Foundation | Forest Hills Funeral Home |The Firefly Group | Maureen & Tim Cotter | Amethyst Fund
NisAir Air Conditioning| Gordon & Doner | Gunster | Women Supporting the Arts | Forest Hills | Lesser, Lesser, Landy & Smith
The MAH Foundation | Style Encore | StarStruck Academy & Theatre | Avenue Entertainment | Advanced Printing

Artist for a Cause Logo

Artists for a Cause, Inc.
2330 Route 33, Suite 315

Robbinsville NJ 08691

Phone: 917-662-7681

Artists for a Cause, Inc.
is exempt from federal income taxes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

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